Causes of premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation happens when an individual has an orgasm sooner than they or their partner would like.

Premature ejaculation happens when an individual has an orgasm sooner than they or their partner would like.
Premature ejaculation can happen before or shortly after penetration. Is a common problem. Up to 40% of individuals have this problem at some time in their lives.
It’s proved that premature ejaculation has a negative impact on both the man’s life and his partner’s one. If your boyfriend suffers from early ejaculation, you both feel the consequences. However, if you’re reading this page, it’s because you’re looking for a way to help your man. When a man is in a stable relationship with a partner who’s ready to accompany him in his quest for ejaculation control, his chances to overcome premature ejaculation are good. I want to reassure you; premature ejaculation is a treatable condition. There’s plenty you can do to help your boyfriend!
A number of emotional and physical factors can lead to premature ejaculation. It may happen when a person becomes too excited or stimulated, or if their penis is very sensitive. It may also happen if they’re nervous or uncomfortable with a new partner. There is however a number of other common causes, let’s have a look at some of them.
Sometimes early ejaculation is a problem for men who have erection problems (erectile dysfunction or ED). This is when men are not able to get or keep an erection that’s firm enough for sex. Since an erection goes away after ejaculation, it can be tough to know if the problem is premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. ED should be treated first. Premature ejaculation may not be a problem once the ED is treated.
Though the exact cause of premature ejaculation is not known, serotonin may play a role. Serotonin is a natural substance in your body made by nerves. High amounts of serotonin in the brain increase the time to ejaculation. Low amounts can shorten the time to ejaculation, and lead to premature ejaculation.
A hormonal problem with oxytocin levels, which has a role in sexual function in men. Other hormone levels that play a role in sexual function include luteinizing hormone, prolactin and thyroid stimulating hormone.
Premature ejaculation could be due to the nervousness of being with a new partner, anxiousness of having sex again after a long period of abstinence, lack of confidence, guilt, being overly excited or stimulated or other reasons.
Psychological, or mental health, issues can be involved in PE and may include:
Taking care of emotional problems often helps. Psychological therapy is a way to work through the feelings and emotions that may lead to problems with sexual relationships. The goal of this type of therapy is to learn the source of problems and find solutions that may help premature ejaculation. It can also help couples learn to grow closer. Psychological therapy can help your partner become less nervous about sexual performance. It can also give you greater sexual confidence and understanding to help your partner’s satisfaction. This type of therapy can be used as the only treatment, or it may be used along with medical or behavioural therapy.
Premature ejaculation can happen at any age. Aging is not a direct cause of premature ejaculation, though aging does cause changes in erections and ejaculation. For older men, erections may not be as firm or as large. Erections may not last as long before ejaculation occurs. The feeling that ejaculation is about to happen may be shorter. These changes can lead to an older man ejaculating earlier.
With premature ejaculation, you may feel you lose some of the closeness shared with a sexual partner. You might feel angry, ashamed or upset, and turn away from your partner. Premature ejaculation may not only affect your partner, but it may also affect you. Premature ejaculation can cause partners to feel less connected or feel hurt.
Talking about the problem is an important step. Couples counselling or sex therapy can be helpful. Exercises, such as the squeeze technique or Kegel exercises, may be helpful for your partner to prolong an erection.
Anyhow, if you are one of those girls that are always putting others first, it’s important to never forget about yourself. Altruism is a nice quality, but sometimes the best way to help other is by making sure you don’t forget your own good. It’s especially true about sex. As much as you want to help your boyfriend, if his ejaculation control quest makes you uncomfortable in some ways, you aren’t helping him by keeping it to yourself.
That’s why we want to stress the importance of communication. As long as you are both open and honest about what you like and what you want, you should be able to find ways to overcome the sexual difficulties you’re confronted with.