Home Hygge is about creating a safe space for friends and family at home.

And if your home isn’t giving you the warm and cozy vibes that you’re looking for, it might be time to bring in some of it. If you just moved and you’re looking for ways to bring charm into your new space, or if you simply need some help making your house feel more like a home, read up on the practice of home hygge below and learn about all of the different things you can do to turn your home into your favorite place in the world.

What is it?

It is a Danish design concept that’s centered around making your home as warm and cozy as possible. It’s rooted as much in feeling as it is in items and practices, and encompasses details both small and large in your space. Likewise, true hygge is incredibly personal. It’s about the things that make you feel comforted in your space, as opposed to a one-size-fits-all design approach that can be replicated over and over again. That being said, there are definitely unique elements that define this style and that you can put to use in your home for instant cozy results.

How to create a Hygge home

We all know that home is meant to be a comfortable place, but hygge is about more than fluffy bedding and a couple of throw pillows on the living room couch. Everything from a favorite pair of fuzzy slippers to a string of lights on the patio contributes to create this style, as do the smells, sounds, colors, tastes, and textures that you surround yourself with.

Because it’s a feeling, hygge can also extend beyond purchased items. It’s the cat curled up on your windowsill and the favorite book you look forward to snuggling up in bed with every night. It’s personal and meaningful, and wholly dependent on the specific things that bring you joy.

Only you know what brings you an inner feeling of this style at home, but there are certainly some widely recognized shortcuts that you can take to embrace the hygge lifestyle if you’re not quite sure where to start. Here are some ways to create a hygge home and bring more coziness to your every day.


Choose warm lighting

Say “so long” to white lighting and swap out those abrasive bulbs for warm yellow bulbs instead. Warm lighting feels more natural to the eye than artificial white lighting and connotes feelings of early mornings, late evenings, and rainy days stuck inside with a movie and a blanket.

Add some candles

When you think of candles, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Perhaps it’s romance, a relaxing bath or a calm night with a book. These are all things that encompass the hygge lifestyle. The soft and kind glow of a candle cannot be replicated by anything else and should be used throughout your home to create a warm radiance.

Go for a fireplace

Huddling around the fire, whether it be outside or inside, is a huge part of the Danish culture. It is the perfect time to gather with friends and family and be thankful for the company that you keep. Therefore, having a fireplace is an essential element to hygge decor. It represents warmth and togetherness and is most fun when enjoyed with loved ones.

Treat yourself with a warm beverage

Hot chocolate, tea, and steaming lattes obviously taste good. And as a bonus, they’re also inherently part of a cozy at-home lifestyle. Best enjoyed in your favorite comfy sweats and a pair of wool socks, of course.

Keep it clean

Mess and clutter can interfere with your ability to really relax. Make a point of tidying up on a regular schedule and using simple organization techniques to ensure everything has its place. You may also want to adapt the principles of minimalism—including the “less is more” philosophy that is also central to the Scandinavian home.

Indulge in comforts

Think of the things that make you feel most comfortable and then bring more of them into your home. Examples include certain fabrics like chunky knits or warm fleece; comfort foods like bowls of soup or a fresh-out-of-the-oven pie; and pieces of décor like brass antiques and overstuffed chairs. Basically, if it makes you feel like you’re being wrapped in a hug, you want as much of it as possible in your home.

The right color palette

The color scheme for your home decor should never be too overwhelming when it comes to hygge. Everything you add to your hygge home should contribute to an atmosphere of harmony and peace. Sticking to a neutral color palette is important when creating a relaxing space. Using pastel colors like light grays, browns and creams will create a comfortable area for you and your guests to enjoy.

The color palette is about warm neutrals. White, taupe, beige, sage, and rich yellows all fit the bill and can be used singularly and together to make every room in your house feel just a little bit more welcoming.