Tantric sex on Thanksgiving
If you're hosting for the holidays, it's best to always have a plan for your lover.

If you're hosting for the holidays, it's best to always have a plan for your lover.
Thanksgiving isn’t exactly known as the sexiest holiday for tantric sex, especially coupled with holiday-related stressors like making a last-minute appetizer choice, or being hit with the traditional Turkey Drop, the delightful practice of sudden breakups in November.
But, despite the everything, your biggest potential prob may be maximum stress about sexual desire. In fact, if you celebrate Thanksgiving and eat exorbitant amounts of food as part of your tradition, you might be left with an overfull tummy and zero desire for energetic or acrobatic movements in bed.
But fear not. We can do hard things. And your horniness can prevail if you want it to. Try a restful yet pleasurable Tantric sex, which isn’t only focused on reaching a higher state of mind-body consciousness. It can also be about creating a deeper, more harmonious bond with your partner, without envolving to much physical activities.
And if you’re feeling a little “don’t look at me”, Tantric sex offers many workarounds for that too. A lot of us may not want to be in bright lights when feeling bloated by a large meal, so blindfolds or candlelight can work a treat. Candlelight will add romance to the space, while soft red bulbs will give the bedroom a sensual touch. Fill the space with your favorite scent. Light a scented candle, diffuse an essential oil, burn incense sticks, or hang flowers. Pick a smell that makes you feel sexy, but isn’t overwhelming.
Tantric sex is a sexual practice that’s part of the ancient spiritual path known as tantra. Tantra is a Sanskrit term that translates to “weave.” It refers to weaving together or uniting the masculine and feminine forces within all of us, heaven and earth, the human body with the transcendent, collapsing the polarities.
The purpose of tantra is to discover an ecstatic union with all of life beyond the separate sense of self. Sacred or tantric sex—an aspect of tantra—is seen as one doorway to that transcendent truth, once we learn how to harness it. The simplest explanation of tantric intimacy is that it’s about bringing the fire of your sexual energy, passion, and desires into alignment with your heart, your spirit, and a sense of goodness in your life. When these forces come into balance and harmony, the sparks of interpersonal magic really start flying, and sex becomes something healing, empowering, transcendent, and profoundly beautiful.
Tantric sex involves a wide array of erotic activities, not all of which involve the same kind of penetration and physical stimulation of erogenous zones that most people associate with sex. A typical tantra session involves the subtle realms of sex, including slow embraces, gentle caresses, getting present within the body, and focusing on the movement of energy between the partners’ bodies.
Sometimes during tantric sex, you’re barely moving, and the focus is on the meditative, devotional dimension. If you relax and take things slowly, or ramp up and slow down the action, you can make love for hours, and the enjoyment can just keep building. People with penises might also explore practices like edging (getting close to orgasm and backing off), which builds their ability to last longer and hold more pleasure before flipping over into orgasm. That said, all sexual energy can be tantric when done with awareness.
Tantric sex can dive into the raw, intense, and animalistic spaces, where the body’s instinctual intelligence takes over and you are blind to pleasure. Dominance and submission can be tantric as well. Breathwork is also central to tantric sex; people might use their breath and awareness to move sexual energy throughout their whole body, awakening their capacity for full-body pleasure (rather than pleasure localized specifically in the genitalia).
That can be anything, such as setting up your space as a sanctuary with candles, pillows, and soft music. What’s most important is that you make sex feel, well, special. You want a sense that sex is something important and distinct on Thanksgiving from everyday life.
Tantric massage work well even if you have eaten big amounts of food and your appetite for sex is minimala t that point. Tantric massages are another powerful part of tantric sex, one that can be the key to multiple orgasms for both people with clitorises and people with penises.
In a tantric massage, one partner gets to just lie back and receive, getting the chance to tune into their pleasure and sexual energy and see how it wants to open up through their body, while the other partner moves their hands slowly and meditatively along their body to let them feel every single new sensation.