5 reasons you should have sex now
If you thought that the only benefit of having sex now could be, well, pleasure, here’s some news for you.

If you thought that the only benefit of having sex now could be, well, pleasure, here’s some news for you.
Making love is good for adults. And having sex now, or at least daily, is even better.Sex is evergreen, hot and a lot of other nice things. There really aren’t enough words to describe the exhilarating moment of getting intimate with your partner. When lips and bodies touch, there are fireworks and explosions that make you feel like you’re at the top of the world.
With love, trust and understanding come intimacy and sex. At the same time, there really aren’t enough words to explain all the reasons why you should have sex now, let’s just say that sex does a body good in a number of ways, according to a number of experts. The benefits of having sex aren’t just anecdotal or hearsay.
Stressing over a big presentation? Some time between the sheets may help relax your mind before the big day. A big health benefit of sex is lower blood pressure and overall stress reduction. People who have regular intercourse have better responses to stress than those who engage in other sexual behaviors or abstain. Sex can help relieve stress by raising endorphins and other hormones that boost mood. As a form of exercise, it can also help calm you down.
Sensory pathways hit when you’re in the process of having sex and during climax. Powerful neurotransmitters are released throughout the entire brain. Dopamine, one of the neurotransmitter that’s released during sex, helps reduce anxiety and depression.
Sex and stress are linked in several ways. Most of us instinctively know this already and feel it unmistakably when a particularly stressful week or two zaps us of our sex drive. A study found that being in a good mood predicted more physical affection and sexual activity with a partner the next day, showing that the sex-stress management connection works both ways: sex can lead you to feel less stressed, and being less stressed (or at least in a better mood) can lead to more sex. This is further proof of the importance of effective stress management.
It’s not necessarily a full workout, but it can be as good for you as moderate exercise. It raises your heart rate about the same as a brisk walk or a slow bike ride. Thirty minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more. It may not sound like much, but it adds up: 42 half-hour sessions will burn 3,570 calories, more than enough to lose a pound. Doubling up, you could drop that pound in 21 hour-long sessions. If you find going to the gym mundane or working out at home a task, here’s another way to help you lose the flab and keep in shape: have sex now! It will do wonders for your waistline.
If you’re using a headache as an excuse to not make love, stop doing that. Have sex instead, because, when you’re about to have an orgasm, the level of the hormone oxytocin increases by five times. This endorphin actually reduces aches and pains. As the hormone oxytocin surges, endorphins increase, and pain declines. So if your headache, arthritis pain, or PMS symptoms seem to improve after sex, you can thank those higher oxytocin levels.
It’s no secret that people who have more sex are happier than those who rarely get lucky in the bedroom. It’s no wonder you’ve got a more positive outlook after sex: there are biochemical rationales for experiencing improved mood as a sex benefit, from the neurotransmitters that may be released during healthy sex to the mood enhancers contained in semen itself.
You’d be forgiven for thinking it was only the joy of an orgasm that made those regularly getting laid happier – but scientists have discovered that’s not the whole answer. While sex does make us happier, it is actually the post-coital cuddling that does the trick, rather than reaching climax itself. In general, however, it has been proven that adults in committed relationships who have more sex are less likely to be depressed or take medication for mental health issues.
Moreover, because your heart rate increases when you have sex, fresh blood is supplied to your organs and cells. While used blood is removed, the body also expels toxins and other materials that cause you to feel tired.
Orgasms release the hormone prolactin, which can help you feel sleepy and relaxed. So don’t be too surprised if you and your partner doze off shortly after a satisfying session — and wake up feeling refreshed. The sleep that you get just after you’ve made love will be much more relaxed. Getting a good night’s sleep will make you feel alert and overall healthy.
Do you really need any more reason to have sex now?