Geisha balls. Do you know them?
Almost everyone has heard of Geisha balls, vaginal balls or even love beads and perhaps smiled about them.

Almost everyone has heard of Geisha balls, vaginal balls or even love beads and perhaps smiled about them.
Geisha balls are basically small weights for the vagina. Geisha balls are both sex toys and medical devices. They train your pelvic floor muscles, which on the one hand protects you from pelvic floor hypotonia, but on the other hand a well-trained pelvic floor also ensures better orgasms helping to tighten your vagina.
Geisha balls usually consist of one or several balls lined up in a row with a cord at the end. You insert them into your vagina (with the cord hanging out), then contract and release your pelvic floor muscles around them. Doing so helps you isolate those muscles and feel the contractions a little better.
Geisha balls come in tons of different sizes and weights—anywhere from 10 grams to 100 grams. Your best bet is use them daily (or as often as you remember to) and increase the weight gradually as you feel like your muscles are getting stronger. Obviously, the heavier the ball, the more strength you need to hold it inside—so start small and choose a lighter ball at the beginning. This is then usually a single ball with a return loop. With advanced training you can then switch to a heavier ball. This can either simply have a heavier inner ball or consist of two connected balls. There can also be differences in the return loops.
For example, you can carry the Geisha balls secret well on the way, because they have a shorter loop, which is worn inside the body and does not disturb. You should also make sure that the balls do not have any production seams or sharp edges when you buy them, otherwise there is a high risk of injury. In addition, the bands to which the balls are connected should be coated with silicone, for example, so that hygienic cleaning is possible. You should also ask yourself what material your Geisha balls should be made of, for example plastic, silicone or metal and do not forget to clean them properly after any session of exercices.
Now you know that Geisha balls are a multifunctional tool, the origin of love balls can be found in Japan 3.000 years ago, about 70 years ago they were discovered by the Californian doctor Arnold Kegel during a research trip in the 1940s.
There are some basic exercises that you can do to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.
If you choose to use Geisha balls while lying down, it’s important to remember that sitting or standing is a more effective way to use the balls. That said, if you’re lying down, insert the balls and then proceed to hold the balls inside of you by tensing your leg muscles or doing the exercises.
Sit with your legs still closed. Isolate the PC muscle and use it to try to move the balls back and forth. If initially you can’t move the balls back and forth, focus on squeezing the balls and holding it for a few seconds, then relaxing for a few seconds. Perform these exercises 10 times, three times per day.
Perform the standing exercise. The standing exercise uses the weight of the balls and the force of gravity to make you work your PC muscle. Stand and position your feet shoulder-width apart. Use your PC muscle to hold the balls in your vagina. If you stop contracting your PC muscle, the balls will fall out. Perform this exercise three times per day, working each time to hold the balls in place longer.
Perform the squatting exercise. The squatting exercise combines elements of both the sitting and standing exercises. Place your feet as wide apart as you can. Bend your knees slightly to move into an easy squat. Use your PC muscle to both hold the Geisha balls in place and move them back and forth. Move into a deeper squat to make the exercise more challenging.
Start out with three sets of Geisha balls 5 to 10 times a day. Once this is easy, you can gradually increase the number of repetitions you do each time and the number of times that you do them per day. With continued exercise, you might find that your vagina is getting tighter and sex becomes more pleasurable.
An added benefit of these exercises is that they can decrease the risk of urinary incontinence. Geisha balls also strengthens the pelvic floor after childbirth as your pelvic floor muscles take a beating during pregnancy and childbirth. Including Geisha balls in your post-pregnancy exercise program can help speed up the process to return strength to these muscles. This can help promote perineal healing and increase bladder control.