Men’s literature: books every man should read

Reading makes and keep you sharp.
Like it or not, but reading is still a huge part of society. It’s one of the greatest hobbies any man can have, and has the ability to not only take you into a different world, but it can enable you to keep learning.
Reading helps us relax, teaches us a bit of history, you can learn new skills and it will increase our overall vocabulary. From historical novels or science fiction books, to self improvement, finance books or even war memoirs, there are so many various types of books men can read that’ll deeply improve their lives.
Incredible books are published every year, but over the centuries certain books have held a particular appeal for men. Many of the best books for men explicitly deal with themes of masculinity or fatherhood. Others are just plain old fashioned page-turners. If you’re a man who loves to read (or a man who wants to be the kind of man who loves to read), certain books absolutely belong on your literary bucket list.
The Joy Of Sex
After the Kama Sutra, The Joy of Sex may just be the most famous book about sex ever written. The illustrated manual has informed and titillated readers since it was first released in 1972. A frequently banned book, The Joy of Sex has a simple thesis: sex is fun! As is to be expected from a sex manual published in the 1970s, the book does have some dated messages and focuses on heterosexual sex. Even so, this book is a fantastic resource for any couple looking to discover — or rediscover — the joy of sex.
How to Be a Gentleman: A Timely Guide to Timeless Manners
John Bridges has created an empire teaching men how to be gentlemen. How to be A Gentleman is the first of many etiquette books Bridges has written for men. You’ll find advice on all aspects of life from what to wear on special occasions to the ins and outs of proper cellphone etiquette. It’s a short book and would make a great gift for a young man about to head off to college or who just landed his first job.
Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man
Keen argues that men today need to rekindle their “fire in the belly” or what the ancient Greeks called thumos. It’s that manly spiritedness that drives men to do great deeds. We really like some of the questions Keen suggests using for personal evaluation as a man. Keen does argue that we need to redefine what it means to be a man and his idea of manliness is pretty granola, eco-conscience, feminist, etc. He also advocates the noble savage myth popular with many New Age gurus, arguing that we need to emulate our peaceful, goddess worshiping ancestors and give up our modern, violent ways. If that sort thing makes your blood boil, then this probably isn’t the book for you. But if it only mildly annoys you, then read it. There are some bits and pieces of insight that any man from any worldview can use.
No More Mr. Nice Guy!
Do your women friends tell you you’d be a great catch, yet you’re always dateless on Friday night? Do you feel like a doormat in your marriage and at work? According to Dr. Robert Glover, you have “Nice Guy Syndrome.” In this book, Dr. Glover explains why men with Nice Guy Syndrome have proliferated in the West during the past 30 years. Even better, he lays out specific, concrete things a man can do to get over his Nice Guy Syndrome.
Being the Strong Man a Woman Wants: Timeless Wisdom on Being a Man
This is a quick read packed with some good insights on being a strong man for the woman in your life. The book is actually a story about a young man who’s recently married and is having marital problems. He visits Grandpa for a day hike and along the way he gets some sage advice on how to be a leader in a family.
Fight Club
Whether you’re familiar with author Chuck Palahniuk or only know of Fight Club through the movie adaptation starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton, we know that you’ve heard of Fight Club. While David Fincher’s movie adaptation is perfect in its own way, the novel is a must-read. Contrary to popular opinion, Fight Club isn’t an endorsement of omnidirectional male rage. Unfortunately for the countless bros who taped a Fight Club movie poster up on their frat house walls, the novel is a brilliant satire of masculinity and consumer culture. It’s a fantastic piece of contemporary literature written in the signature style of Palahniuk. It’s also a great read from beginning to end.