Healthy snacks for between meals
Eating small healthy snacks in between meals can prevent you from eating too much at your next meal.

Eating small healthy snacks in between meals can prevent you from eating too much at your next meal.
Getting from breakfast to lunch and lunch to dinner without a snacks on something is hard. We get it. Contrary to what is often believed, eating between meals can be a healthy habit with a snack, for example to take the edge off your appetite. In fact, eating often (five times a day) is linked to a healthier body weight, whereas if you are very hungry (or after fasting), you tend to choose more high-calorie foods. So the question is— exactly what qualifies as a healthy snacks?
The key to whether eat between meals is good or bad for you is which one you choose, and how much of them you eat. If you choose carefully and plan ahead, snacks can be a healthy part of your diet.
Healthy snacks provide energy for your activities through the day and they can provide valuable nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. They may also stop you overeating at the next meal by preventing you from becoming too hungry.
Well, you probably want to keep it low-cal and also pretty light, in fact some bite foods can be a source of extra fat, sugar and salt, so choose carefully and keep portion sizes sensible.
Fruits are a vital part of our diet as they are loaded with healthy nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and proteins. Hence, eating them is the key to healthy living. Blueberries, apples and banana are all packed with cell reinforcement antioxidants and vitamins. These little fibers bombs are the healthiest fruit snacks you can eat.
Yogurt is always a great choice when picking a healthy snack. It provides a rich source of calcium and comes in so many varieties—even non-dairy! To ensure that you are getting the most out of your yogurt, keep an eye out for its sugar and fat content. We suggest you to go for Greek yogurt which is an excellent choice of protein and a healthy yet delicious substitute for ice cream. This yogurt also goes well with fresh berries for that extra taste and fibers that your body is sure to appreciate.
As a substitute for foods high in saturated fat and sugar (such as biscuits, chocolates or cakes), nuts can be a good choice. The high protein and fibers content makes them a satisfying snack and they contain nutrients such as vitamin E, potassium and magnesium. But watch your portion sizes.
Dried fruits make excellent snacks for many reasons. For one, they have a very interesting nutritional profile. They contain many nutrients including fiber, unsaturated fats, vegetable protein, vitamins and minerals which may help reduce overall hunger which in turn may stop you reaching for unhealthy sugary nibble. As well as providing a delicious handful of essential nutrients, dried fruits can be enjoyed as a sweet or savory nibble perfect for whatever your taste buds fancy. Plus, however you fancy them, they are easy to take with you when you are on the go making sure you’ve always got a healthy bite to hand. From dried banana chips to dried cherries to crystallized ginger and other exotic flavors, dried fruit are the perfect snacks.
A power smoothie is a great way to start the day off right; however, smoothies can also serve as an awesome snack to have between meals. Aside from the fact that it is simply delicious, a smoothie is also a great way to make sure that you are getting your daily serving of fruits, vegetables, and other essential nutrients. With all the benefits that smoothies have to offer, not to mention the different types of smoothies you can make, what’s not to love about this versatile drink?
We always recommend fresh veggies as a bite whenever possible, so options like carrots, sliced cucumber or zucchini, raw broccoli, and tomatoes. Pair them with a healthy fat like guacamole or an avocado oil or olive oil-based salad dressing to keep you full.
Whole-grain crackers offer a great source of complex carbs for energy, and fiber for satiety. When buying crackers, there are a few things you need to consider to ensure you’re buying the best. Make sure “whole grain” is the first ingredient, look for crackers with at least 3 grams of fiber, and beware of high sodium levels.
This healthy snack is great for breakfast lovers—it is as satisfying as a meal, but the slightly smaller portion size won’t weigh you down. We recommend using hard-boiled eggs for convenience, which you can make ahead. If you have time to cook, you can also opt for a scrambled or fried egg.