All the common lies men tell before sex
It's a fact- both men and women tell lies about sex for different reasons.

It's a fact- both men and women tell lies about sex for different reasons.
Women tend to lie to make themselves seem more innocent sexually: to appease his ego and to flatter, to make him fall in love with us.
Men tend to tell some common lies to make themselves seem like nice guys, to get sex or to spare our feelings. So not all lies are evil – or equal.
But make no mistake on this one — if there is anything common between all men, it has to be, without doubt, their love for lying. Therefore, there is a certain number of common lies that all men tell before sex.
You already know men will do anything to get a woman into bed—especially when she’s as awesome as you are. And they’re rarely slick about it.
Number one of the most common lies men tell to women. It’s common knowledge that women like cuddling a lot. They love to feel a man’s body pressed against their own, and most times, when they do it, they do it for the sake of it, and nothing more. However, men rarely cuddle for the sake of it. If a man wants to cuddle with you, chances are he wants to have sex in the process…so ladies, always be wary. It’s possible that he’s romantic, but most times, he’s using cuddling as an excuse to get into your pants.
This is one of the most common lies men tell, but at the same time, to be honest, this is not a lie at all in their brain. They literally mean they are not seeing anyone else in that precise moment. When he says he is not seeing anyone else right now, he means, now, as in this minute. Because he is with you. Tomorrow doesn’t count, nor does a long-distance regular hook-up. He is aware that he must combat a reputation for treating women poorly. His best bet is to convince you early on that you have hooked him up for good.
Always beware when a man constantly showers you with compliments. Of course, they’re genuine sometimes, but often times, they’re nothing but a series of common lies to get you in bed. If he feels like he has to butter you up before you’ll kiss him or have sex with him, he’ll say whatever he has to say. He’ll tell you you’re beautiful, he might even tell you that he loves you. If you’re anywhere near a bed, don’t always take his word for it.
You’ve no doubt heard him say this exact phrase after you asked him when the last time he got tested was. He followed it with a pause of just the right length, feigning what appeared to be cognitive activity, as though he was trying to wrack his brain to remember the exact date (he cares and wants to tell you the truth, naturally), without it seeming like he’s trying too hard to remember. Make him show you papers. It was at least two years ago.
He can. He absolutely can. It’s a fact of the modern world that literally 100 percent of men have, at one point in their life, orgasmed with a condom on. He’s just saying that because he thinks for some reason you’ll prioritize his desire to have some sketchy-ass unprotected sex over your desire to not have sketchy-ass unprotected sex. This is one of the meanest most common lies men tell before sex.
If a man is trying to convince you to sleep with him without protection under the auspices that he always uses protection, you can very safely assume he has used the exact same phrase to (who knows how many) other girls.
It has. Many times. He’s just trying to save face when his penis doesn’t do what he wants it to and get an erection on demand.
You can bet your ass every single man under the age of 40 masturbates every single day, and you can be assured that for the vast majority of them it’s probably more than once a day. And you can also know that you will never get an earnest answer to this query because no guy wants to sit there and watch you add up the weeks only to discover he jacked off 82 times in the month of July.
What about you? Have you ever been told one of these common lies from a man who wanted to sleep with you?