The development of yoga has benefited many people in losing weight in a healthy way. Many people believe that yoga alone does not promote weight loss, however yoga, when combined with healthy eating, has proven beneficial as it helps to lose weight along with keeping your mind and body healthy. Yoga poses are certainly useful as a way to calm the mind, but they are also a great way to get in shape and drop some weight.

Here are the best – super easy – yoga poses to drop some weight (and lower your anxiety)

Yoga poses are made of helpful breathing exercises which work to correct your metabolism, regulate blood flow and rejuvenate functioning. Here are some easy yoga asanas that you can do anywhere anytime and lose weight: These yoga poses can be excellent for anyone looking to get back in shape. From fat loss, building endurance, making you more flexible, regular yoga sessions will do your body a whole lot of good.

Hold each posture as long as you can, that may be 15-20 seconds at first, but each time you practice, hold the posture for a few seconds longer and make your way up to a minute if you can. Where appropriate do one side and repeat on the opposite side.

yoga poses

Plank pose

Lie flat on your stomach. Now slowly lift your body from the mat by using the pressure of your hands. Your body should form a straight line from head to heels. Your wrist should be on the mat and your shoulders should be right above your wrist. The position will look similar to a push-up position. Hold the position for a few seconds by keeping your abdominals engaged and then slowly relax.

Warrior pose

Virabhadrasana, also known as a variation of the Warrior pose is a yoga asana which can not just help you lose weight but also flatten abs since it concentrates on the core body muscles. Doing all three of these yoga poses can help you lose weight, burn belly fat and tone muscles in an effective manner. This is also a great way to keep your muscles engaged for a long time.

Chair pose

The chair is like holding a squat, so it really gets your quads, hamstrings, and calves burning. And since it activates such large muscle groups, the chair pose is great for burning calories. Stand straight with your feet joined together and hands by your side. Now raise your arms above your head such that your palms face each other and now bend slowly from your knees, exactly like you’d do in a squat position. Your thighs should be parallel to the ground. Stay in the position for 10-15 seconds.

Angle pose

One of the easiest yoga poses to perform, this pose still requires a bit of concentration to accomplish. Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and your hands by the side. Now raise your hands above your head and join them together. Bend from your torso towards your left with your hands joined together. Repeat on the other side.

Triangle pose

To perform this pose, stand straight with your feet wide apart and hands straight parallel to the ground. Now bend on your left side and try to touch your left foot with your left hand. Stay in this position for 10-20 seconds and repeat with the other side. The twisting motion of the asana helps to improve the digestion and reduces the fat deposit from the belly. The pose engages the muscles of your legs and arms and helps you build more muscles.

Boat pose

The boat pose requires strong abs to hold yourself up, so focus on keeping your legs and back straight to avoid straining. As the name suggests, your body looks like a boat when in this position. To perform the asana, lie flat on the ground with your hands by your side. Now slowly lift your upper body and legs, such that your body forms a V shape. Keep your hands straight, parallel to the ground. Stay in the position for 10-20 seconds.

Bridge pose

Start by lying on your back, with knees bent and feet flat. With your heels firmly placed on the mat, lift your tailbone up such that your hips and lower back are off the mat. Place your hands under your hips and lace the fingers together. Use your glute muscles, hamstrings and abdomen to hold your bottom and back up. Release your fingers and slowly lower your tailbone back down. Relax and repeat.

Corpse pose

This is the pose you should always perform after you have performed all the other yoga poses. Lie flat on your back with your arms on the sides and palms facing down. Focus on relaxing your body.